Nov 21, · 80 % () How to write a college reflective essay @essay on importance of value education in english How do you write a good reflective essay for nursing & Essay on coronavirus a pandemic disease Apr 24, · The essay excerpted below, with the permission of Hamilton College, shows the student's personality through a love of fly-fishing. I kept a firm grip on the rainbow trout as I removed the lure Nov 23, · Essay structure test effects of covid on human life essay, what it means to be a human essay essay! day bihar college How is a education on essay essential reflective essay about time management, examination stress on students essay why i love singing essay essay about advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
How to write a college essay outline: Guide & Template -
My first job as a professor was at an Ivy League university. The students were happy to be taught, and we, their teachers, were happy to be teaching them. Whatever portion of their time and energy was being eaten up by social commitments—which may have been huge, but about which I was ignorant—they seemed earnestly and unproblematically engaged with the academic experience.
If I was naïve about this, they were gracious enough not to disabuse me. None of us ever questioned the importance of what we were doing.
At a certain appointed hour, the university decided to make its way in the world without me, and we parted company.
I was assured that there were no hard feelings. I was fortunate to get a position in a public university system, at a college with an overworked faculty, an army of part-time instructors, and sixteen thousand students.
Many of these students were the first in their families to attend college, and any distractions they had were not social. Many of them worked, and some had complicated family responsibilities. I assigned my new students the same readings I had assigned the old ones. I understood that the new students would not be as well prepared, but, out of faith or ego, I thought that I could tell them what they needed to know, and open up the texts for them.
The students were asking me to justify the return on investment in a college education, the value of a college education essay. I just had never been called upon to think about this before. We took the value of the business we were in for granted. There is no intellectual equivalent of the hundred-yard dash. An intelligent person is open-minded, an outside-the-box thinker, an effective communicator, is prudent, self-critical, consistent, and so on.
These are not qualities readily subject to measurement. Society needs a mechanism for sorting out its more intelligent members from its less intelligent ones, just as a track team needs a mechanism such as a stopwatch for sorting out the faster athletes from the slower ones. Society wants to identify intelligent people early on so that it can funnel them into careers that maximize their talents.
It wants to get the most out of its human resources. College is a process that is sufficiently multifaceted and fine-grained to do this. College is, essentially, a four-year intelligence test. Students have to demonstrate intellectual ability over time and across a range of subjects. sense—those negatives will get picked up in their grades. As an added service, the value of a college education essay, the value of a college education essay also sorts people according to aptitude.
It separates the math types from the poetry types. At the end of the process, graduates get a score, the G. I could have answered the question in a different way.
They will have no incentive to acquire the knowledge and skills important for life as an informed citizen, or as a reflective and culturally literate human being. College exposes future citizens to material that enlightens and empowers them, whatever careers they end up choosing.
In performing this function, college also socializes. It takes people with disparate backgrounds and beliefs and brings them into line with mainstream norms of reason and taste. Independence of mind is tolerated in college, and even honored, but students have to master the accepted ways of doing things before they are permitted to deviate.
Ideally, we want everyone to go to college, because college gets everyone on the same page. All that matters is the grades. If you prefer the second theory, then you might consider grades a useful instrument of positive or negative reinforcement, but the only thing that matters is what students actually learn.
A lot of confusion is caused by the fact that since American higher education has been committed the value of a college education essay both theories. The system is designed to be both meritocratic Theory 1 and democratic Theory 2. Professional schools and employers depend on colleges to sort out each cohort as it passes into the workforce, and elected officials talk about the importance of college for everyone.
We want higher education to be available to all Americans, the value of a college education essay, but we also want people to deserve the grades they receive. Beforeélite private colleges like Harvard and Yale were largely in the business of reproducing a privileged social class. Between andfour hundred and five boys from Groton applied to Harvard. Four hundred and two were accepted. InYale received thirteen hundred and thirty applications, and it admitted nine hundred and fifty-nine—an acceptance rate of seventy-two per cent.
Almost a third of those who enrolled were sons of Yale graduates. Inthrough the exertions of people like James Bryant Conant, the president of Harvard, the Educational Testing Service went into business, and standardized testing the S. and the A. soon became the virtually universal method for picking out the most intelligent students in the high-school population, regardless of their family background, and getting them into the higher-education system.
Conant regarded higher education as a limited social resource, and he wanted to make more strait the gate. Testing insured that only people who deserved to go to college did. The fact that Daddy went no longer sufficed. Inthe acceptance rate at Harvard was eighty-five the value of a college education essay cent.
Byit was twenty per cent. Last year, thirty-five thousand students applied to Harvard, and the acceptance rate was six per cent. Almost all the élite colleges saw a jump in applications this year, partly because they now recruit much more aggressively internationally, and acceptance rates the value of a college education essay correspondingly lower. Columbia, Yale, and Stanford admitted less than eight per cent of their applicants. This degree of selectivity is radical. To put it in some perspective: the acceptance rate at Cambridge is twenty-one per cent, and at Oxford eighteen per cent.
But, as private colleges became more selective, public colleges became more accommodating. Proportionally, the value of a college education essay, the growth in higher education since has been overwhelmingly in the public sector. Inthere were about 1. Today, public colleges enroll almost fifteen million students, private colleges fewer than six million.
There is now a seat for virtually anyone with a high-school diploma who wants to attend college. The City University of New York my old employer has two hundred and twenty-eight thousand undergraduates—more the value of a college education essay four times as many as the entire Ivy League.
The big enchilada of public higher education, the State of California, has ten university campuses, twenty-three state-college campuses, a hundred and twelve community-college campuses, and more than 3. Six per cent of the American population is currently enrolled in college or graduate school. In Great Britain and France, the figure is about three per cent. Increasing public investment in higher education with the goal of college for everyone—in effect, taxpayer-subsidized social promotion—is thwarting the operation of the sorting mechanism.
Education is about selection, not inclusion. The value of a college education essay you are friendly toward Theory 2, on the other hand, you worry that the competition for slots in top-tier colleges is warping educational priorities. You see academic tulip mania: students and their parents are overvaluing a commodity for which there are cheap and plentiful substitutes.
The sticker price at Princeton or Stanford, including room and board, is upward of fifty thousand dollars a year. Education is about personal and intellectual growth, not about winning some race to the top. It would be nice to conclude that, despite these anxieties, and given the somewhat contradictory goals that have been set for it, the American higher-education system is doing what Americans want it to do.
College is broadly accessible: sixty-eight per cent of high-school graduates now go on to college inonly forty-nine per cent didthe value of a college education essay, and employers continue to reward the credential, which means that there is still some selection going on. There is also increasing global demand for American-style higher education.
Students all over the world want to come here, and some The value of a college education essay universities, including N. and Yale, are building campuses overseas. Higher education is widely regarded as the route to a better life. It is sometimes pointed out that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were college dropouts.
It is unnecessary to point out that most of us are not Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. The process may be sorting, students may be getting access, and employers may be rewarding, but are people actually learning anything? Two recent books suggest that they are not. They suggest it pretty emphatically. and Josipa Roksa University of Virginia. Almost a third of it, sixty-eight pages, is a methodological appendix, which should give the general reader a clue to what to expect.
But they think that people who do go to college ought to be able to show something for the time and expense. The authors decided that, despite a lot of rhetoric about accountability in higher education, no one seemed eager to carry out an assessment, so they did their own.
They used a test known as the Collegiate Learning Assessment, or C. accident report, charts, and so on, and asked to write memos. The test was given to a group of more than two thousand freshmen in the fall ofand again, to the same group, in the spring of The study design raises a lot of questions, from the reasonableness of assessing learning growth after only three full semesters of college to the reliability of the C.
The obvious initial inference to make about a test that does not pick up a difference where you expect one is that it is not a very good test. There are other reasons for skepticism. But what counts as significant in a statistical analysis is a function of where you set the bar. Alexander Astin, the dean of modern higher-education research, who is now an emeritus professor at U.
Even leaving the C. Arum and Roksa argue that many students today perceive college as fundamentally a social experience.
The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS
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