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Iris recognition phd thesis

Iris recognition phd thesis

iris recognition phd thesis

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(PDF) Iris recognition: an emerging biometric technology | Sanjay Ganorkar -

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Iris recognition: an emerging biometric technology Sanjay Ganorkar. Download Download PDF Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package This Iris recognition phd thesis. A short summary of this paper, iris recognition phd thesis. Iris recognition: an emerging biometric technology. Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometric Technology RICHARD P.

WILDES, MEMBER, IEEE This paper examines automated iris recognition as a biometri- difficulty of the problem might prevent widely applicable cally based technology for personal identification and verification.

technologies from appearing in the near term [9], [45]. The motivation for this endeavor stems from the observation that Automated iris recognition is yet another alternative for the human iris provides a particularly interesting structure on which to base a technology for noninvasive biometric assessment.

noninvasive verification and identification of people. Inter- In particular, the biomedical literature suggests that irises are as estingly, the spatial patterns that are apparent in the human distinct as fingerprints or patterns of retinal blood vessels.

Further, iris are highly distinctive to an individual [1], [34] see, since the iris is an overt body, its appearance is amenable to remote e. Like the face, iris recognition phd thesis, the iris is an overt body that is examination with the aid of a machine vision system. The body available for remote i. Unlike of this paper details issues in the design and operation of such systems. For the sake of illustration, extant systems are described the human face, however, the variability in appearance in some amount of detail.

of any one iris might be well enough constrained to make possible an automated recognition system based on Keywords—Biometrics, iris recognition, machine vision, object recognition, iris recognition phd thesis, pattern recognition.

currently available machine vision technologies. Background I. As applied to the colored portion of the exterior eye, iris A. More for application to the identification and verification of technically, the iris is part of the uveal, or middle, coat of individuals for controlling access to secured areas or ma- the eye, iris recognition phd thesis. It is a thin diaphragm stretching across the anterior terials.

in support of this challenge. Resulting systems include This support gives it the shape of a truncated iris recognition phd thesis in three those based on automated recognition of retinal vascula- dimensions.

At the opposite end, it opens into the pupil, voice [24], [40]. Provided a highly cooperative operator, typically slightly to the nasal side and below center. The these approaches have the potential to provide acceptable cornea lies in front of the iris and provides a transparent performance. Unfortunately, from the human factors point protective covering. of view, these methods are highly invasive: Typically, the To appreciate the richness of the iris as a pattern for operator is required to make physical contact with a sensing recognition, it is useful to consider its structure in a bit device or otherwise take some special action e.

The iris is composed of several layers. Its a specific phonemic sequence. Similarly, there is little posterior surface consists of heavily pigmented epithelial potential for covert evaluation. One possible alternative to cells that make it light tight i. these methods that has the potential to be less invasive Anterior to this iris recognition phd thesis are two cooperative muscles for is automated face recognition. However, iris recognition phd thesis, while automated controlling the pupil.

Next is the stromal layer, consisting face recognition is a topic of active research, the inherent of collagenous connective tissue in arch-like processes. Coursing through this layer are radially arranged corkscrew- Manuscript received October 31, ; revised February 15, This work was supported in part by The Sarnoff Corporation and in part by like blood vessels.

The most anterior layer is the anterior The National Information Display Laboratory. border layer, differing from the stroma in being more The author is with The Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ densely packed, especially with individual pigment cells Publisher Item Identifier S 97 The visual appearance of the iris nition relative to a specified data base entry. The an- refer to recognition relative to a larger set of alternative entries. In contrast, iris recognition phd thesis, the pupillary zone can be relatively flat.

Last, iris color results from the differential absorption of light impinging on the pigmented cells in the anterior border layer. When there is little pigmentation in the anterior border layer, light reflects back from the posterior epithelium and is scattered as it passes through the stroma to yield a blue appearance. Progressive levels of anterior pigmentation lead to darker colored irises. Additional details of iris structure can be found in the biomedical literature e.

Claims that the structure of the iris is unique to an individual and is stable with age come from two main sources. The first source of evidence is clinical obser- vations. During the course of examining large numbers of eyes, ophthalmologists [20] and anatomists [1] have noted that the detailed pattern of an iris, even the left and right iris of a single person, seems to be highly a distinctive. Further, in cases with repeated observations, the patterns seem to vary little, at least past childhood.

The second source of evidence is developmental biology [35], [38]. There, one finds that while the general structure of the iris is genetically determined, the particulars of its minutiae are critically dependent on circumstances e.

Therefore, they are highly unlikely to be replicated via the natural course of events. Rarely, the developmental process goes awry, yielding only a rudimentary iris aniridia or a marked displacement corectopia or shape distortion colobloma of the pupil [35], [42]. Developmental evi- dence also bears on issues of stability with age. Certain parts of the iris e. Of particular significance for the purposes of recognition is the fact that pigmentation patterning continues until adolescence [1], [43], [51].

Also, iris recognition phd thesis, the average pupil size for an individual increases slightly until adolescence [1]. The distinctiveness of the human iris. The two panels opening are standard with advanced age [1], [42].

Various show images of the left iris of two individuals. Even to casual diseases of the eye can drastically alter the appearance of inspection, iris recognition phd thesis, the imaged patterns in the two irises are markedly the iris [41], iris recognition phd thesis, [42].

It also appears that intensive exposure to different. certain environmental contaminants e. However, these conditions are rare. Claims that the iris changes with more general states central pupillary zone and a surrounding cilliary zone. of health iridology have been discredited [4], [56]. On The border of these two areas is termed the collarette; the whole, these lines of evidence suggest that the iris is it appears as a zigzag circumferential ridge resulting as highly distinctive and, following childhood, typically stable.

the anterior border layer ends abruptly near the pupil. The Nevertheless, it is important to note that large-scale studies cilliary zone contains many interlacing iris recognition phd thesis resulting from that specifically address the distinctiveness and stability of stromal support. Contractile lines here can vary with the the iris, especially as a biometric, have yet to be performed. state of the pupil. Additional meridional striations result Another interesting aspect of the iris from a biometric from the radiating vasculature.

Other assorted variations in point of view iris recognition phd thesis to do with its moment-to-moment dy- appearance owe to crypts irregular atrophy of the border namics. Anatomy of the human iris. a The structure of the iris seen in a transverse section. b The structure of the iris seen in a frontal sector. The visual appearance of the human iris derives from its anatomical structure. oscillation [1], [16]. Potentially, this movement could be proposed by Flom and Safir [20] It does not appear, monitored to make sure that a live specimen is being however, that this team ever developed and tested a working evaluated.

Further, since the iris reacts very quickly to system. Early work toward actually realizing a system changes in impinging illumination e. Subsequently, two reaction to a controlled illuminant could provide similar research groups developed and documented prototype iris- evidence.

In contrast, upon morbidity, the iris contracts and recognition systems [14], [52]. These systems have iris recognition phd thesis hardens, facts that may have ramifications for its use in promising performance on diverse data bases of hundreds of forensics. iris images. Iris recognition phd thesis research into automated iris recognition Apparently, the first use of iris recognition as a basis for has been carried out in North America [48] and Europe personal identification goes back to efforts to distinguish [37]; however, these efforts have not been well documented inmates in the Parisian penal system by visually inspecting to date.

More anecdotally, a notion akin to automated their irises, especially the patterning of color [5].

Iris Recognition

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(PDF) Iris recognition: an emerging biometric technology | Sanjay Ganorkar -

iris recognition phd thesis

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