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Research paper on barack obama

Research paper on barack obama

research paper on barack obama

Jan 21,  · Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama. United States Capitol. A.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores. Now, more than ever, we must do these things together, as one nation and one people. (Applause.) During Barack Obama's campaign for president in , throughout his presidency and afterwards, "there was extensive news coverage of Obama's religious preference, birthplace and, of the individuals questioning his religious belief and citizenship – efforts eventually known as the ' birther movement ' ", by which name it is widely referred to across media The United States Senate career of Barack Obama began on January 3, , and ended on November 16, He resigned his seat in the U.S. Senate upon being elected President of the United won the seat in an election against Alan Keyes who replaced Republican Primary election winner Jack Ryan.. Prior to his election but after Ryan withdrew from the race, he rose to national

Gain-of-Function Research: Ethical Analysis

Jump to content. The week after the Fourth of July is a good time to take stock of the presidency of Barack Obama. It is highly unlikely that he will research paper on barack obama course in his six remaining months in office, so he will be judged by history on his current record. That record reveals an enormous gap between his grandiose promises and his pitiful performance over the past eight years. When he secured his nomination in Junea younger Obama waxed eloquent about his future role as a world historical figure:.

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.

Obama here is a visionary captured by the nobility of his ends. But vision and skills are not always doled out in equal measure, and his lack of the latter made him unfit to choose the proper means for meeting the challenges he set out for himself.

It is sobering to examine how and why his presidential performance stacks up so poorly against his ideals. An important question for any president is what issues fall in the domain of government action, and which should be left to the private sector.

First, the government should seek to avoid interfering in economic affairs to allow the forces of competition and innovation to increase the size of the social pie from which everyone can benefit. Second, the government should focus its exercise of national power on defending the nation and its allies from aggression. Obama inverts these key relationships—a fundamental mistake.

He is all too willing to use coercion in domestic economic affairs against disfavored groups, and all too reluctant to use it against sworn enemies of the United States and its allies. A mistake of this magnitude cannot be corrected by marginal adjustments in office, research paper on barack obama.

The sad truth is that the United States today is weaker economically, more divided socially, and more disrespected across the globe than it was before Obama took office. With few exceptions, he made the wrong choices in all the areas in which he declared the dawn of a new era.

Just how has Obama provided care for the sick? On this, as in so many other economic and social issues, he faced this critical choice : Either he could seek to remove barriers to entry in markets, or he could impose a regime of regulation, research paper on barack obama, taxation, and exclusion. The former increases growth and reduces administrative and regulatory overhang. The latter blocks potential gains from trade while increasing administrative and compliance costs.

His vaunted health-care exchanges violated every sound principle of economic theory. The benefit packages that were mandated were far more exhaustive than those supplied under any private plan.

The more exacting standards for existing private plans forced many of them to close down or curtail their operations. The insistence that administrative expenses be capped at a predetermined fraction of total expenditures micromanaged businesses by outsiders who were totally ignorant of the trade-offs among various firm functions. Large numbers of insured people were forced out of sensible private plans into a restricted diet of public plans, typically heavily subsidized.

The standard insurance problem of adverse selection was overlooked, as the president and his supporters acted as if young and healthy people were anxious research paper on barack obama stay in health-care plans that forced them to provide extensive subsidies to older recipients.

Research paper on barack obama, these healthy people simply delayed joining any plan until they had an immediate need of expensive medical services. Longer waiting periods for coverage of pre-existing conditions or required minimum periods of membership were brushed aside in a fit of ideological purity.

The exchanges have had a rocky reception at best, and they have an uncertain future. A correct analysis starts with the simple insight that any regulation or tax on employers necessarily limits what employees can receive. In competitive labor markets, therefore, research paper on barack obama, the government should enforce contracts as written, research paper on barack obama, rather than rewrite them from above.

Our unfortunate New Deal legacy contains many laws disrupting labor markets that no president can repeal research paper on barack obama will. But the president can use his enormous administrative discretion to ease their burden. Not this president. At a minimum, the new regulations impose heavy compliance costs on both private and public employers, forcing them to rethink virtually every job classification.

Here are three examples. First, tech start-ups provide much compensation in stock and stock options, whose accounting value for regulatory purposes the FLSA caps at 10 percent of wages, forcing cash-poor firms to redo their entire business plans. Second, university graduate students research paper on barack obama post-docs work long hours to secure an education and job.

Yet no one knows where to find the extra cash once they become hourly workers subject to overtime protection. These clumsy forms of labor market intervention have led his administration to take research paper on barack obama positions on free trade in order to safeguard faltering labor monopolies. It is all self-defeating. To be sure, unemployment rates have gone down, but so too have labor market participation and median family income.

Most people think, all else being equal, that an increase in carbon dioxide will increase overall global temperatures. But how? Are the relatively flat temperature readings of the past 15 years a blip or a trend? Even though the president puts global warming at the top of his agenda, he ignores these questions, only to preside over an Environmental Protection Agency that refuses to rework its permitting rules to allow low-carbon emission plants to displace the antiquated coal facilities still in operation.

Obama also champions massive overregulation under the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. And his international protocols could easily create domestic dislocation without securing any tangible environmental benefits. Foreign affairs, for their part, have been an unmitigated disaster. Everywhere one looks—Russia, China, the Middle East—the situation is more dangerous than it was before President Obama took office. That is the inescapable consequence of a presidential reluctance to trust military affairs to generals, and to rule out of bounds, virtually categorically, the use of American ground troops to stem the violence in the Middle East.

The relative stability that George W. Bush bequeathed to Obama in has been shattered in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, and by the rising power of Iran. ISIS commits atrocities nearly daily, most recently in Baghdad and Bangladesh, research paper on barack obama. And the turmoil has created a migration crisis in Europe and throughout the Middle East.

Red lines in Syria count for nothing, and ISIS has set up multiple permanent bases throughout the Middle East, which serve as springboards for terrorist activities that have reached the United States, most recently in Orlando. The breakdown has only heightened global intrigue, transient research paper on barack obama and political instability.

Pax Americana is indeed dead. Nor has Obama done better on an issue close to his heart: race relations. Instead of firm moral leadership, the president has raised tensions.

No wonder crime rates are rising across the research paper on barack obama, even in cities like Chicago that have strict, but largely ineffective, gun control laws, which the president relentlessly champions without any explanation of how they are likely to do any good. Behind all of these social ills lies a president who lacks the skills of a leader. Sadly, research paper on barack obama, his frayed political legacy has left us with a choice between two undesirable candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, neither of whom has the capacity and temperament to correct the many ills that President Obama has created at home and abroad over the past eight years.

View the discussion thread. Image credit:. When he secured his nomination in Junea younger Obama waxed eloquent about his future role as a world historical figure: I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.

Consider: Just how has Obama provided care for the sick? COMMENTS POLICY. About the Author. Communication Law. More from Defining Ideas More. by David R. More from US Politics More. Losing Confidence In The Pillars Of Our Civilization. by Victor Davis Hanson.

Barack Obama: 44th President of the United States of America - Biography

, time: 4:59

Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama |

research paper on barack obama

Jeff Bezos gives $ million to the Obama Foundation. The gift was the largest yet for the foundation and was among several splashy donations in recent months by Mr. Bezos, one of the world’s Aug 08,  · Despite these important potential benefits, GOF research (GOFR) can pose risks regarding biosecurity and biosafety. In the administration of US President Barack Obama called for a “pause” on funding (and relevant research with existing US Government funding) of GOF experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses in particular During Barack Obama's campaign for president in , throughout his presidency and afterwards, "there was extensive news coverage of Obama's religious preference, birthplace and, of the individuals questioning his religious belief and citizenship – efforts eventually known as the ' birther movement ' ", by which name it is widely referred to across media

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